Do Not Ignore Gum Recession

Gum disease is a common infection within the gum tissue that affects about half of all adult dental patients. Though common, many people do not realize that without treatment, this disease can cause serious harm to the gums. The gums may begin to recede and expose more of your teeth in the wake of bacterial spread and damage.

Not only will gum recession disrupt the appearance of your smile, but it can also lead to serious dental problems. Without healthy gum tissue, your teeth lack support, and you can notice majorly uncomfortable symptoms.

You can prevent gum disease and avoid other dental habits that can contribute to gum recession when you visit your dentist. You may also feel encouraged to stave off this periodontal issue when you know more about the threat it poses to your smile. Read on to learn about three dangers to your oral health that you may notice if you develop gum recession.

Do Not Ignore Gum Recession

Tooth Sensitivity

If the gums recede, more of the surface of your teeth becomes exposed. The part of your teeth closer to the root does not have as much enamel covering it, however, because it was not meant to be revealed to the open air.

As a result, the underlying dentin layer, which contains nerves, becomes vulnerable. Then if you eat or drink items, they can stimulate the nerves and make you feel sharp pain known as tooth sensitivity.

Enamel cannot regrow, especially if sensitivity occurs in a spot on the tooth not intended to be exposed to potential stimuli. You will need to talk to your dentist to find appropriate treatment to stop the oral discomfort. But ideally, you should avoid it in the first place by addressing gum recession promptly.

Tooth Decay

Because a weaker portion of your teeth will be exposed to external threats, you could also face a greater risk of dental problems in the wake of gum recession. Your mouth contains bacteria, and a combination of strong enamel and good oral hygiene prevents bacteria from hurting your smile. But bacteria can easily penetrate weak spots in your enamel, such as near the receding gumline.

Then you will develop tooth decay, which you will need treatment from your dentist to fix. Fight cavities and further dental deterioration by prioritizing your gum health.

Missing Teeth

Your teeth lose crucial support if you develop gum recession. You might notice that your teeth feel loose or wobbly or seem to shift out of their usual straight position. This deterioration in your dental health will continue without treatment from your dentist.

Ultimately, your teeth can fall out of their sockets. Without enough healthy gum tissue, your dentist cannot restore the teeth back in your smile, even if you reach out to their office promptly.

Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss, so take precautions to avoid the serious progression of this infection. Preserve your natural dental structure by taking care of your gums.