Emergency Dentistry Columbia, MD

If you are experiencing a dental emergency, it is important to remain calm and contact your dentist immediately. A dental emergency is any time you are experiencing sudden or unexplained tooth pain. Columbia Family Dentist is here to help you resolve your dental emergency and promptly restore your peace of mind.

We provide compassionate emergency dental care as a part of general dentistry services to all of our patients, so don’t hesitate to contact us even if you’re unsure if what you are experiencing constitutes an emergency. As your trusted dentist in Columbia, Maryland, our doctors are always willing to see a patient needing dental healthcare.

Tips for Common Dental Emergencies

Our best tip for dealing with a dental emergency is to contact us immediately at 410-670-8211. Do not procrastinate on resolving a dental emergency, as dental concerns only worsen if left untreated and can lead to even more issues. Otherwise, you can do some minor things to help relieve your pain and discomfort or prevent permanent tooth loss.

Locate any knocked-out teeth or chips.

If your tooth becomes dislodged or you lose a significant portion of it, try to recover it and bring it to your next appointment. For a knocked-out tooth, pick it up gently by the crown and avoid touching the root. Attempt to place it back into its original socket and hold it there until you can see a dentist. Otherwise, a glass of warm milk is a good alternative to keep the tooth moist and viable.

Use over-the-counter pain relievers.

Most tooth pain can be relieved through the use of over-the-counter pain relievers. However, not placing aspirin directly onto an affected area or tooth is important. This can cause further inflammation and discomfort. Cold compresses outside the mouth and cheeks can also help reduce facial swelling.

Keep affected areas clean.

Rinsing with a saltwater solution can help keep the area clean and encourage fast healing for any mouth injuries like mouth sores or cuts on your gum line. To make an at-home saltwater rinse, add half of a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water. Swish the rinse around in your mouth for ten to twelve seconds, then spit it out. You can do this several times throughout the day if needed.

Dental Emergency FAQs

Will the ER pull a tooth?

It is illegal for anyone but a certified and educated dentist to pull teeth. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, the emergency room can only offer pain medication or antibiotics.

How long does a toothache last without treatment?

In most cases, a toothache will go away on its own at some point throughout the day. If you have experienced a toothache for over 1 or 2 days, you should seek dental treatment soon. This could signify a cavity or a more serious dental concern. Your dentist can address and treat whatever is causing your toothache.

What counts as a dental emergency?

A dental emergency can be categorized as any dental concern that needs immediate attention. This may be due to excessive bleeding, extreme pain, or a loss of a broken tooth. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, be sure to see your dentist as soon as possible.